Sunday, December 10, 2006

of caroling and finals

Greetings, fellow Wash U TASP affiliates.
Our choir concert was today (and tomorrow), and let me tell you, what a joy. I adore choir, I really do, despite the intensely religious nature of our repertoire. The songs we sang:

Tu es Petrus*
The Morning Trumpet*
The Eyes of All Wait upon Thee*
I Will Praise Thee, O Lord*
Christmas Day in the Morning*,%
I Wonder as I Wander*
Carol of the Bells**,#
Deck the Hall**, @

**=religious by association
%=not even close to the version you've heard
#=we sing this every single year
@=yes, only one hall

I have my university finals next week (calc II, calc-based physics) which I'm pretty much dreading if only because they're 2 hours long. On the plus side, after finals, I don't have class again until January 22nd. This means that for about a month, I will have my mornings completely free to do whatever I'd like (probably a combination of sleeping in, working on scholarship applications, and tutoring the calc AB students), and will have little to no homework for that time. [good time for any of you to take a trip to Wisconsin...tempting, I know] Don't hate me. I'll be suffering towards the end of April, when I have to prep for both university finals and AP testing...possible in the same week.

Oh, you guys should see Stranger than Fiction--it was really good. Yes, you can trust me on this, even though I didn't like Annie Hall. No seriously, trust me. The Pursuit of Happyness looks amazing too, by the way.

Weather update: We had a high of 8 degrees the other day. Yes, 8. And with the windchill, it was about -20. Makes you really want to visit me, doesn't it?


At 7:25 PM, Blogger hippie said...

omg Breanna... I've been complaining because it's 26 degrees here. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? ...ha, and I was thinking about visiting during Spring Break. Oh, what a fool I was. Actually, am, because I'm still planning on it.

My Co-Editor-in-Chief has been raving about StF as well. You may have convinced me. He didn't like Annie Hall, either. So I don't know if I can trust either of you (even though I haven't seen it, so I don't know...)

P.S. Your list of songs is AMAZING, and mostly because of the editorialising. Isn't "editorialising" such a FUN word?

P.P.S. Why only one Hall? You guys are cheap.

P.P.P.S. Just kidding--and I NEED a copy of your Holiday (actually Christmas) C.D.

P.P.P.P.S. (at which point can I start adding extra Ss instead of Ps, because the Ps are getting boring? I guess never...) If you have so much extra free time, you should come visit Northern VA. Just saying.

<3 Happy almost Hanukkah! And closely following, Happy almost Winter Solstice! I've already made Vegan cookies to celebrate the occasion. And I DIDN'T set off the smoke alarm (yet). I want it to snow.

At 8:09 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

we had a high of 75 degrees the other day. :) hehehe. You all should come visit! Permanently!

dude, Bre, I am so jealous of your LIFE. I have six major tests this week, one Stanford app, and then a crapload of college apps the week after. (well, maybe.)

Is that church choir, not show choir? Whichever it is, I'm glad they don't discriminate against people with super cool short hair.

Love you, talk to you soon.

At 12:37 PM, Blogger Breanna said...

It's Robed choir--a for-credit curricular, audition only, boys and girls mixed choir. I miss you guys!

And Tracy, don't be too jealous--I had a calc exam that kicked me left and right today.

At 4:23 PM, Blogger Tracy said...


my fingers are crossed for you, for finals!


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