How sweeeeet is this?!
First of all, read Ryan's post, it's much cooler, but I just had to share this:

It was for the senior picture. At first, we were going to do "Let's make sexytime!" from (yep) Borat, but we figured we wanted to get out of high school more than we wanted to, er, make sexytime, and with the re-election of our governator, this slogan was just meant to be.
I'm that tall, weird-looking S, by the way.
That's excellent!
Quick question though--were you wearing these shirts all day? And if so, did people ask you what you were spelling? I'd imagine that could get annoying.
snaps for cleverness
this is sweetness, pure and ... okay, simple, not sweet, cuz yeah.
Ironically, or maybe just interestingly, because "ironically" is creeping into my conversations/posts/e-mails/etc. far too often, this is EXACTLY what the GSA and ADL were discussing yesterday as our shirts. I think we decided against it because our yearbook pics are already taken, and we have more than one senior who, when they left, would leave holes in the words we would be spelling in our picture.
But I think we're tye-dying in the parking lot instead!
HOW COOL IS THAT!?!!>!?!!!!> (that's me thinking something is WAY COOL--even... even kick-ass, you might say, maybe, maybe, MAYBE).
But it's certainly not as cool as this.
Who's Justin to think HE'S bringing sexy back? Surely he hasn't seen the Sandy-Eggo kids and the beautifully-modelling-the-letter-S Tracy. Oh, oh--S for sexy!!! Perfect! Oh, I'm too tired to be writing things... I amuse myself too easily. I am sorry for all the online pun-pain and so forth that I cause. However, I am not responsible. Reading Fight Club in part did this to me.
This is too long. I am tired. Yes.
In conclusion, it's too bad you couldn't use the Borat quote. But this is AMAZINGNESS regardless!
aww, miranda's comments = always enjoyable. dude, you guys are tie-dying... in the parking lot? THAT is pretty sweet. A chemistry class at my school tie-dyed shirts two years ago, in class. Because.. uh... tie-dye and chem just go hand in hand.
Bre: actually just one period, because I left at lunch thanks to 6th period off. And thank you, thank you! This other group spelled out "where's waldo" and had someone dress up as waldo, and everyone pointed to him--that was really clever, I thought.
Just two words:
"Is nice, is nice."
Okay. Make that four. Technically.
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