Scientology, seeing TASPers, Salk
Gosh, I haven't written here in forever! Well, here's a rambly, random, somewhat incoherent update on my life...
Haha, by the way: today in Art History (by the way, having a 7:30 lecture in a dark room with slides is not conducive to general alertness... achh, it's always an excruciating two hours) we were told to pick a religious structure in San Diego, visit, and write a report on its architecture. I'm strongly considering the Church of Scientology.
I saw Ruben two weekends ago! He came down for a band tournament, and our meetings involved a lot of running and frantic phone calls and buses JUST about to leave. So sadly, there wasn't time for much TASPy reminiscence, it was still cool. And apparently, his band is, like, totally kickass!! (Haha, that was for you, Miranda.) My other friends who were there said they did not sound like a high school band. So: congrats to Ruben on taking first place!
People in really cool band costumes and HATS and capes. No seriously, band hats are amazing! This is the awards ceremony.. Ruben is somewhere down there in the middle-ish.

What are you guys's Christmas/Thanksgiving travel plans? Anyone coming to SOCAL? :D I found out that we're going back to China (Beijing) after Christmas. This'll be my first time back in... wow, six years. All my relatives are there, and I look forward to seeing them again. I just hope it won't be awkward, and I won't be that American girl who knows nothing of her roots. I don't think that'll be the case, but it has been so very long since I've seen them all.
In other news, my mentor of more than year at the Salk Institute left for Singapore-- she completed her PhD and is going back where she grew up. Right now, I'm taking a break from working there, partly because Eetsin is gone, and partly because of the insanity of college applications. I'm not sure if I will go back there, actually. I would very very much like to finish my project, get final results, possibly publish something, as the principal investigator has suggested, but there are a lot of issues involved with who will support me, etc. And in short, I'm not sure I made the right decision a year and a half ago to come to this lab, for many reasons.
I'm thinking of working for Dr. Ancoli-Israel, a sleep researcher in SD. She had offered to take me on (without pay) last summer, and I think sleep psychology is the field I've always been really interested in, maybe more than the molecular bio I'm doing now. So right now, lab things are kind of in limbo, and I'm content to leave it at that til apps are done.
Speaking of which, we should make a WashU TASP college list! Where are you applying, thinking of applying? Comment with your choices!
Here's mine:
Harvard (EA)
Wash U
Johns Hopkins
UC Berkizzzle (err... Berkeley)
I love and miss you all. Summer now seems so far away, we can now count our time away from St. Louis in months, not weeks, I'm talking with people who are applying this year... but thinking of TASP still makes me smile, and probably always will.
In other news, my mentor of more than year at the Salk Institute left for Singapore-- she completed her PhD and is going back where she grew up. Right now, I'm taking a break from working there, partly because Eetsin is gone, and partly because of the insanity of college applications. I'm not sure if I will go back there, actually. I would very very much like to finish my project, get final results, possibly publish something, as the principal investigator has suggested, but there are a lot of issues involved with who will support me, etc. And in short, I'm not sure I made the right decision a year and a half ago to come to this lab, for many reasons.
I'm thinking of working for Dr. Ancoli-Israel, a sleep researcher in SD. She had offered to take me on (without pay) last summer, and I think sleep psychology is the field I've always been really interested in, maybe more than the molecular bio I'm doing now. So right now, lab things are kind of in limbo, and I'm content to leave it at that til apps are done.
Speaking of which, we should make a WashU TASP college list! Where are you applying, thinking of applying? Comment with your choices!
Here's mine:
Harvard (EA)
Wash U
Johns Hopkins
UC Berkizzzle (err... Berkeley)
I love and miss you all. Summer now seems so far away, we can now count our time away from St. Louis in months, not weeks, I'm talking with people who are applying this year... but thinking of TASP still makes me smile, and probably always will.
Wash U
Bob Jones*
Tracy you rock and I miss you, come visit me in Wisconsin, ok? We could eat cheese curds.
*If the TASP community will contribute to the $45 app fee, I will strongly consider applying to this school. For a good time, google it and read the general student expectations, such as the dress code.
also note the nondiscrimination policy, which includes race, three synonyms for race (just to make it look like there's more than one thing they don't discriminate based on) and nothing else. conspiciously missing are such gems as gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, etc etc.
My list of lists:
Yale (EA)
UNC-Chapel Hill
U of Maryland
If I were somehow forced to go to Bob Jones University, I think that my neurons would pop and my eyes would bleed upon entering campus.
Either that or I might get shot by the powers that be.
The dress code makes me convulse in sheer horror.
dress code? i'm very curious.
Spencer, you're actually applying to BJ? GO YOU! Can I be your past.. oh wait, I can't be your pastor. Darn. I would have liked that.
Bre... hmmm.... yes, that would be very interesting indeed. Accepted to the House aaannnnddd Bob Jones--man, that would be amazing. :P
Ruben in a cape, impressive research, Scientology... Tracy's posts are wondrous to behold. Te! Te! Te!
Ah yes, colleges...
In Britain:
King's College London
St. Andrews
...and another place I'm almost certain I shan't get into, alas.
In America:
The Common Application is my friend. I think I shall apply to a bunch of random Ivy League places, and maybe a few others. (I've heard Rice has a British history program, for example). I want to apply to Princeton simply so I can list "Blackadder: The Whole Damn Dynasty, 1485-1917" as my favorite source of inspiration.
alison, you should come visit Rice!
heheheh!!! that would be amazing.
manasi, i demand a list.
All right, I just saw this post - about two weeks late. I add my list in case people are going back through and checking, because I assume it's all old hat now.
UCs Berkeley, Davis, and Santa Cruz
University of Chicago
Wash U
Carnegie Mellon
Rensalear Polytech
Notre Dame
U Mich
I've finished most of them. And will be sending out the rests probably the day before the postmark deadline. It's what I did for TASP. Procrastinator to the nth degree I am!
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