On censorship
Sorry to double post, but I was just wondering... can the government censor the internet? I thought I had read an article (but I'm not piggybacking off of anything, I swear) that the Chinese government censors certain websites, and my uncle just told me they can't see certain sites here. Do you guys know anything about this?
Because bottom line: THERE IS NO WIKIPEDIA.
I type in the site and it goes to yahoo: site not found (Chinese version).
Oh no.
True. It's quite saddening, and if I had more energy I would go on a big rant.
-the UTASPer
No Wiki?!?!?
No Wikipedia = *implodes*
Yeah, our Chinese TASPer (Yu) mentioned it, if I'm not mistaken.
That's interesting.
When I was in China, I tried out google and the American one worked just fine (showed me tiananmen pictures and everything). That's when I igureed out that for some websites there is a chinese version that is censored (like google.cn), which they assume most people will use (and rightly so, they do speak chinese after all. plus the chinese one is much faster because it's routed differently, plus most people want to look at porn and celebrity gossip, not the kind of stuff that gets censored anyway), but the normal one is still available for use if you want it.
Then there are some sites, like wikipedia, that are just blocked. What's interesting is that there is still a chinese wikipedia with 100,000+ articles. I think it's mostly edited by people in Taiwan/the US/other places chinese people live that aren't china. I think i remember hearing that the guy who runs wiki, unlike the people at google, didn't want to create a censored version and that's why it isn't accessible.
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really! a Chinese wikipedia. That's pretty cool.
And hm, interesting that wikipedia doesn't want to create a censored version. Good for them, to stick to their morals (is that why)...but at the same time, it's all Western companies like Cisco, Microsoft, that provide the technology for internet censorship, which I found kind of ironic. But I guess money speaks louder than morals, and so it shouldn't be anything surprising.
Okay, so I googled and google-imaged "tiananmen" and "tiananmen massacre" and all the pictures of the protest were x'ed out, and all the articles linked to the event immediately led to an "error: cannot display" page. And same for anything related to falun gong, etc. Interesting!
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