How many surrealists does it take to screw in a light bulb? Fish.
In the spirit of making time pass more quickly (for all of us waiting for Harvard, Wesleyan, Georgetown, Yale, or Godot) and mercilessly poking fun at everyone else (which I believe is what we WashU TASPers do best), I present to you a game:
How many WashU 06 TASPers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
1 to screw in the lightbulb
2 to decide if the light bulb is greater or less than Walter Mondale
1 to be indignant that the lightbulb ever went out in the first place
1 to know everything about the light bulb’s life, so much in fact, that this light bulb can be used as an analogy for just about anything
1 to ask if there are any light bulbs in Montana
1 to compare the screwing in of the light bulb to an eastern European film she once saw. In which every character died.
1 to accidentally flush the lightbulb down the toilet
4 to stay up all night supposedly working on screwing in the light bulb but actually watching videos on youtube and fighting for a better position in Leonel’s top eight.
1 to suggest that lyght bulb, much like womyn, should be spelled with a “y” in protest of the patriarchy that has dominated our society for so long
Please feel free to add to this list, or create your own WashU TASP light bulb jokes.
Oh yes.
(p.s. for Lynn, Spencer, and anyone else amused by such jokes: How many jewish mothers does it take to screw in a light bulb? .... None. I'll just sit here in the dark.
AND one more, from my (rather conservative) friend: How many UN delegates does it take to screw in a light bulb? Two. One to screw in the light bulb and one to blame it on liberal democracy.)
(and also, good luck to everyone who applied early to any school. you people rock my face off, and I wish you the best)
This is somewhat amusing. Here's my question: how many light bulbs will you change before you die?
The fact is, all of us, and I am almost as young as you, will die some day, and everything that we hold dear, friends included, will be cruelly ripped from our hands. Are you ready? Take this test and find out.
hahahha! love it!
1 to hide the light bulb in a dumpster, and 18 to spend two hours finding it again.
this is hilarious, ryan!
I would add
2 to debate over whether or not the installation of the lightball represents yet another race analogy in which the "lighter" state is preferred over the "darker" one
2 to take the opportunity to go out after curfew and swing while everyone is fussing over the lightbulb
3 to attempt to convert the light bulb to scientology.
A committee to ascertain that the light bulb does indeed need to be changed.
A housemeeting to discuss whether we should use 60, 60.1, or 60.01 bulbs or if it matters if it's "The Lightbulb of the Juggernaut" or "The Juggernaut of the Lightbulb" anyway.
18 TASPers to stay up all night for a week in order to burn out the light bulb in time for next week's housemeeting.
One factotum to remind us that democracy is a wonderful thing.
Ryan, you are a genius. If my fair TASP friends are not accepted to the universities of their choice, I will lose all faith in the American university system and move into a cave in the desert.
Snap, snap, to everything everyone has said.
" if it matters if it's "The Lightbulb of the Juggernaut" or "The Juggernaut of the Lightbulb" anyway."
so true, so true.
also, i like the random spamish first comment. it's like, personalized spam. how touching.
also, part DEUX, i am bored out of my mind waiting for tomorrow. anyone else feeling the same way?
hahahahah!! you are my HEROES. Along with Edvard Munch. :)
Dude, Ryan, yes!! Actually, not bored, just ridiculously nerrrrvous and also stressed about turning in that Stanford app.
Ryan, you better get in. I can't see you not. Same for Fuyuo and Katharine. That's all.
1 to wear his sunglasses inside even though the lightbulb is out, because the sun never sets on a badass.
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