Friday, November 03, 2006

The appearance of Barack Obama Kathryn attended was mentioned on the BBC! Whut! The rest of the article brings up some interesting issues we touched on in seminar...

Meeting the man who might be president... Kathryn, one is awestruck.


At 2:09 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

ooh, thank you for sharing that! very interesting.

i had heard about the ford winking ad on npr, but they never said anything about that being a backhanded comment on interracial love.

At 3:44 PM, Blogger Hyp. lecteur said...

I hadn't heard anything about that ad until the BBC brought it up. I fear my British compatriots view American elections (especially in the light of certain recent debacles) as the best show in town (well, out of town)...
Whut! 'Tis too cool that Kathryn attended a meeting which was mentioned on the BBC...

At 3:45 PM, Blogger Hyp. lecteur said...

I hadn't heard anything about that ad until the BBC brought it up. I fear my British compatriots view American elections (especially in the light of certain recent debacles) as the best show in town (well, out of town)...
Whut! 'Tis too cool that Kathryn attended a meeting which was mentioned on the BBC...

At 3:48 PM, Blogger Hyp. lecteur said...

AHHH! Why doesn't the computer do what it's told? I shake the fist.

At 11:50 AM, Blogger Tracy said...

hehe stupid computer.

our elections always do seem pretty entertaining... from electing a governatorrrr to congressmen molesting 16-yr-olds... man. and we'll be voting in the next one!

At 3:48 PM, Blogger kathryn said...

I think that add was racist. The RNC knew what they were implying, totally using traditonal white southern fears to their advantage...


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