I kill animals and eat them.

I hope I got your attention. I don't kill animals. But, remember when I posted my last blog? That's ok...neither do I. I told you how I almost ran over Franklin. Yeah, I named him (him being the turtle I nearly killed) and I know I that's weird. I came this close to running o'er and killing another animal. Maybe I should stop speeding? Maybe I shouldn't be giving you this information. Twenty years from now when my divorce case is heard, I'm sure someone will call this evidence of mental instability. I just thought I'd direct the attention somewhere else. I'm reluctant to talk about how many cool and amazing things I've done. Mostly because I haven't done many cool and amazing things. Well, now that I think about it...thanks Tracy. Your donation was the first for my Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk. I wound up raising over $500.00 for the American Cancer Society. The walk was this past Saturday. It was 5K, but it felt like 1. I had a fantastic time. Our school had homecoming on Oct. 14. The theme was "A Night to Treasure." Mina, you would be happy to know that Student Council's decision to have the theme "A Night to Treasure" was based on their obsession with Johnny Depp and Pirates of the Caribbean 2. Sadly, the decorations were more appealing than the dance. I had a good time, but not enough of a good time. The next day my parents celebrated their 23rd wedding anniversary. Can you imagine spending 23 years with one human being and a bunch of annoying adolescents? I can't. Wait, why do I want to eventually get married and have more than 3 kids? Some things defy logic. AP English Lit is officially my most stressful class. We're reading Hamlet. My AP English Lit teacher assigned me the lead role. I was excited to play a Danish prince. Then, I wasn't so excited. We have to write notes on everything in Lit. We have a 500-word minimum a day for that class. I don't have time to write notes when I'm up in the front of the classroom reading my character's lines. Why did I start talking about this again? Oh yeah, I have a dull life. Thank you Ryan, I got the CDs and I listen to Freedom Songs incessantly. Yesterday I was flipping through channels and stumbled upon EYES on the PRIZE. I stopped immediately, left the channel on PBS for the rest of the evening and kept my eyes glued to the television. It was very nostalgic. Ok, I'm done. I promise, I will not torture you any longer.
Yep. I'm a liar. I have a few more things to say. Um...your three faaaaaaaaaaavvorite TASPers are celebrating their date of birth on November 20th. I don't know about the other two, but I expect gifts--many of them. Only joking, but it'd be nice. : )
Leonel! It is most excellent to hear about the updates of your life, and I very much enjoy the picture of you in those sunglasses.
Having a PotC-themed homecoming falls somewhere between brilliant and slightly disturbing. Closer to brilliant, though, especially as opposed to our homecoming theme, which was "the senior class doesn't care enough about homecoming to make the decorations coherent."
Yeah, I had to remind myself that I wasn't at Disney's PotC ride. Our seniors actually pulled together for this one.
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