Monday, October 23, 2006

I just sent out an email to the group about this, and I know more people will read that than this post, but I just wanted to say for the second time:

CONGRATULATIONS BREANNA for being one of only FOUR people admitted to CBTA this year.

You're basically my hero.



At 10:30 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

and i've said this many times, too, but congrraaatss! brebre, this is just further proof you are spectacularly BREMAZING. i'm so, so happy for you. i can't imagine what it feels like, to be admitted to your top choice in october!

i am totally inviting myself over at least twice a year, though, so watch out. :)

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Max said...

It's been a good long while now since I've come out of my Californian hidey-hole, but this is worth it: goddamn, inter-TASP buddy, you rock so hard.

At 1:37 PM, Blogger Breanna said...

thank you guys!


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