Funny how my memory skips when looking over manuscripts
This morning I was reading the paper and reflecting on the election, thinking about the races here in Colorado and how I think they're going to turn out and all that. Then I went upstairs to clean my room, and I found a notebook I used in the second grade. I was flipping through it and came across this letter I wrote to Bill Clinton. It must have been an assignment; I have absolutely no recollection of the situation. That said, the letter is sufficiently entertaining that I thought I'd share it (spelling errors and all).
So without further delay I present, the political musings of a seven year old. Make of it what you will.
October 9, 1996
Dear presedent Clinton,
I hope you win the election. I would like to meet you some day. My name is Ryan. my full name is Ryan Lenora Brown. I am seven years old and I love to read. My parents are voting for you. I hope you can stop vilence. I almost forgot to tell you I think we should spend millions of dollars on exploring mars because it would be neet to see if anything is still living on mars and if anything ever did live on mars. If any thing ever did live on mars I would like to see what it is. OK, good bye!
Ryan Lenora Brown
It's worth noting that I used to be absolutely obsessed with astronomy. In elementary school I was in the Rocket Club and subscribed to Astronomy magazine. Seriously (and you think I'm nerdy NOW). In any event, it seems my rigorous political advocacy has paid off, what with the Mars rover and everything. You do good work, seven year old Ryan, you do good work.
Awwww!!! Ryan, I love the seven-year-old you almost as much as I love the seventeen-year-old you.
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