Saturday, November 04, 2006


I'll be brief.

I took the SAT this morning, and was pleasantly surprised that there were FOUR math sections. Christmahannakwanzikah comes early! And also, the essay--thank goodness it's at the beginning, unlike the ACT, which does it the stupid way (and also has a terrible science section). I managed to work the TASP seminar topic into the essay. In fact, it was a small reincarnation of my final TASP essay. Convenient, I know.

The physics club at the university where I take classes is hosting cool physics speakers throughout the year. At my last class, I had the pleasure of listening to a physics prof from MIT who won the Nobel Prize a couple of years ago. Excellent, I know. The Bose-Einstein condensate and energy curves, etc. Needless to say, I loved it.

The End--I'm reading it. Also known as Book the Thirteenth in A Series of Unfortunate Events by the genius Lemony Snicket. "Books for kids," says the world. "Screw you, they're freaking hilarious," I say back. Highly recommeded. The first several in the series seem boring and repetitive, but believe me, an overarching story does develop. Especially recommended on audio, so you can casually listen to the author's hilarious, sarcastic, witty, excellent writing style.

The end for real this time.


At 9:49 AM, Blogger Hyp. lecteur said...

SAT- bad
Physics lectures- good
Books on tape- even better
Posts from Breanna- EXCELLENT!

At 10:32 AM, Blogger Ryan said...

Dear Breanna,
You bring shame to the TASP family by liking the SAT.
That is all.


At 11:53 AM, Blogger Tracy said...

mmmm yes. But were those your last ones? If so, then you have every right to be happyhappyhappyhappyOVERJOYED!

i never really got into the series of unfortunate events books. did you like the movie?

At 5:37 PM, Blogger Breanna said...

Ryan--fair enough. If it makes you feel any better I went into the test with utter loathing for the SAT, and left with only an appreciation that the SAT was tons better than the ACT and also that College Board still sucks.

Tracy--yes, that's all. I mean, AP's in the spring, but that's all for SAT / ACT. That brings my total to 1 ACT + writing, 2 SAT subject tests, and this crazily long SAT.

Alison--thanks. :)

At 5:39 PM, Blogger Breanna said...

Oh and Tracy--I did like the movie (I saw most of it) and think they did a great job, though it is out of chronological order and is 3 books condensed in one, and the author's cleverness is sometimes lost in translation from book to screen.

At 10:05 AM, Blogger Ryan said...

This is a point of interest to no one but me, but the guy who wrote A Series of Unfortunate Events is in a band with Stephen Merritt, who is the lead singer of this awesomely cool group called the Magnetic Fields. (See, I told you it wasn't interesting)

At 3:26 PM, Blogger Tracy said...


YAY, for a much-missed dose of Ryan-esque hipsterness.


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