Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Every day I realize how much more I love public education

Today, my counselor called me once again and asked me to come to school, which by the way if you weren't aware is the day before school starts. When I arrived at the school, my counselor had this look of desperation plastered onto her face, and I just smiled or looked indignant in a bemused fashion. She told me that I was once again without a 6th period because I can't get into this class called SOAR because you were supposed to apply in May, and that I still had to drop one of my morning classes. The lucky classes are (and they are so lucky) stat, chem, and bio. So if anybody has any suggestions on what to drop please tell me. I've asked a couple of you. And if you have any suggestions on how to fix my unfortunate schedule, advice is much appreciated. Though I think mine is a futile situation as there is not one other advanced class offered 6th period. All I'm saying is the God of public education also known as my principal better let me into SOAR or give me a cookie at least as a consolation.

I said I would post the day before school, so here is my post. It might sound a little indignant, but it was all for you, my wonderful urchins. (Don't ask me. I'm typing this while I'm sort of dazed.) School starts tomorrow and its already 11:13 exactly. This does not bode well for the rest of the year (I wanted to figure out a word that starts with an f that is synonymous with bode, but I couldn't figure it out and neither could Tracy. or maybe I was thinking of a word that starts with p like portend or promise. Who cares. It's now 11:20. I got distracted talking to Ryan.) Now I must go and shower so I too can smell like the aromatic aroma of cherry blossoms.

*This is a very confused and muddled entry because I am very befuddled right now. 11:23

Toodles for now my chinchillas.

I will not remember this tomorrow, but unfortunately unlike being inebriated, I can read this tomorrow. oh dear.


At 11:14 PM, Blogger Ryan said...

I snap to you on that title.
And empathize on the counseling situation. I'm in a pretty crazy one myself.
Enjoy that schoolin' tomorrow. oh yes.

At 5:39 AM, Blogger Breanna said...

Happy last first day of school, Manasi. And good luck with those counselors.

At 1:52 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

urchins AND chinchillas? all in one post? ay ay ay manasi...

hope your first day as a SENIOR!!!! was fantastic. :D


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