Sorry I'm late...just in time for my 2006-2007 school year though
SO, today was the first day of school for me. Don't feel too bad. It's our last year at our respective schools, which is extremely rewarding. What can I say? School is different, if not awkward after spending a summer with all of you extremely impressive intellectual and generally awesome folks. When people ask how my summer was I give them all the wonderful details about TASP. They probably asked not expecting such a lengthy reply. But, I can't help it. I miss the experience. Part of me wishes I could do it all over. I realize that the transition from challenging, stimulating, awesome summer to dull, flat, and uninteresting school work is damn near unbearable. I hope to God that I can continue communication with all you wonderful people via some suitable site. Like this one! Otherwise, I think my senior year will not be as fulfilling. I can always partake in the myriad drunken high school parties and escapades. But, I'll miss the conversations and deep talks that I had the opportunity to listen in on or partake in. SO, that's a dreadful summary of my first day. Excuse my mangled post, I find myself writing down whatever comes to mind these days.
SOOO many amazing moments sans alcohol --> booze seems to be the most fun aspect of everyone's life. Dear God, suburbia.... >_<
School....auughh!! ::runs in fear:: I have three weeks still-- whew!
leonel i feel you. My school starts wed, and my schedule isn't working. I have to drop one of my classes because they're only offered one period. The joy of public education!
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