A Lovely Saturday? I hope so
Today I woke up at 6:30 in the A.M. with an imprint on my face that looked uncannily like a book. Falling asleep with my face on a book probably accounts for that. These days I can't sit on my bed or anywhere actually and just read without falling asleep. But I do have one recourse: reading on the bike at the Y. Oh joy. And I think the bike makes it possible for me to read only because it's nearly impossible falling asleep on a bike with Faux News right in front of your face. :D
Now back to when I woke up. When I woke up my first thoughts were whoa my face is impressed and red, but also now at 6:35 in the morning, it's been almost exactly a week since I left Danforth. (like the almost exactly? I thought it was a great clarification.) Though I went back to sleep, that made me start thinking about what I have done in a week. Unfortunately, my brainstorm ( I just wanted to use that word) made me realize I had not done very much except think about TASP, phone conversations facilitated that, and wiki random things such as who translated Nietzsche.
I like parenthetical statements
My school starts Wednesday, but don't you worry. I am sensing a wonderful rant post on Tuesday.
Breanna I was volunteering at this assisted living place, and they were playing a trivia game. The final question was What state is known as the Cheese State? And I thought of you.
And to leave the whole TASP community with a wonderful thought, but Ryan, this is mostly for you
down in Denver, down in Denver
All I did was Die.
-On the Road
(there are many quotes about San Francisco and other random places but I liked this one about Denver the most, and by that I mean I didn't spare all the rest of you intentionally)
Manasi, you know what would have made a great photo? You when you just got up, looking indignant, wiht a big red book imprint on your face. Can you say s-e-x-y? (And parenthetical statements are great.)
Awww, Cheese state. :)
Oh, and I'm sorry your school starts so soon. Mine doesn't start until September 1st. Hopefully this will motivate me to finish my CBTA app before being thrown into the school world again. I can only hope.
oh jack kerouac, you make me indignant, manasi style. (but not really, because i dislike Denver too).
For the best translation of Nietzsche's anything, hands-down, read Walter Kaufmann. Walter Kaufmann. Walter Kaufmann.
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