Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Prof Vinson is working underground in Williamsburg?

During physics today, just as I was dying from massive overdose on final velocity and acceleration and time squared and such, the counseling office helper came in with a large manila envelope for me -- from William and Mary.

I was really confused. I mean, naturally, I assumed that they had heard of my SPECTACULAR jumping abilities and wanted to offer me a full ride scholarship... But turns out they were my TASP essays, posted in a W&M envelope, postmarked from Williamsburg. Very mysterious!

It was so odd to get the essays back at school, though (did any of you get them back there, also?). Mixing those two very different worlds of TASP wonderfulness and Scripps Ranch's drugged preppiness made me realize all the more how much I MISS YOU GUYS and how amazing those six weeks were. I read through my reflection essay and a lot of memories flooded back, and I smiled a little at the thought of Professor Brown yelling about reparations, and ::click::-osa, and... it was just one of those moments.

Now I'm writing some letters to Starbucks to see if they'll donate coffee for Model UN to sell at Back to School Night. We can't sell candy anymore because of the "health risk" it poses (those 1000-calorie Pizza Hut personal pizzas are perfectly balanced lunches, though), but the school doesn't seem to care about clogging up parents' arteries. Dear GOD. I hate public school bureaucracy. Now Academic League is short the $3000 we usually get from chocolate sales... joy.


At 5:00 PM, Blogger Ryan said...

I thought the William and Mary thing was funny too.
When I first got it, I thought to myself, wow, a hand-addressed packet of college info...that's a first.

i think that prof vinson is teaching at W&M now. I remember him saying he was moving to Virginia. I just didn't realize it was so soon.

At 7:54 PM, Blogger tzoanni said...

Vinson's a visiting prof. at W&M this year.


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