This picture really = priceless

Hahahha! (Ryan's future child? Maybe.)
Well, that was the result of a heck of a lot of time wasted on facebook...
So my dad just called me and told me that I had $290-something in cell phone overages. Holy crap! Now that is ridiculous. I hold you all (y'alls?) responsible! Funny enough, I did have a line in my Cornell essay about not looking forward to my parents' receipt of this cell phone bill... hmm... I must really be psychic.
I went to go see Black Dahlia last Friday. If any of you are considering seeing it, let me just warn you: It was incredibly, incredibly...bizarre, and just horribly made. The tense confession-at-gunpoint scene turned out to be terribly funny, and we cracked up so hard as Josh Hartnett shot down various Ming vases and chandeliers.
Also, is it just me, or is Turn of the Screw way, way overanalyzed? We were reading through a summary of all the different interpretations of it yesterday... there's the Freudian one (the male ghost appearing on a tower, female ghost by a lake --> sexsexsexsexsex!), a feminist one, a Marxist one, and various other shades of other theories. Maybe Henry James juuuust wanted to write a ghost story! Jeez!
But on another note: our sweatshirt is AWESOME. Every time I wear it, people say, "whoa, cool, love the design!" (When I try to explain about Mr. Scream, they usually look at me kind of weird, though.)
Homecoming's this Saturday. I'm excited, sort of, not really. Our dances are usually characterized by terrible music, but dinner (we're getting a limo, which will be awesome-- and there's like 15-20 people so it shouldn't be that pricey), cruising out to Coronado Island, and afterparty should be fun.
My child will NOT like football, that's all i can say.
he will, however, have a natural distaste for nebraska, as all good people do.
the end.
1st: I didn't realize there was any animosity between Colorado and Nebraska. The most intense football rivalry I've seen is between Minnesota and (surprise!) Wisconsin.
2nd: That picture is amazing. Priceless and amazing.
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