Saturday, September 23, 2006

Whereas the blog has been unusually silent this week AND

Whereas I'm quite nosy

Be It Resolved That everyone reading this comment with at least two things that have happened to you in the past week.


(1. I went to a conference all of last weekend for an organization called PeaceJam, and heard 11 Nobel Laureates, including Desmond Tutu, speak and it was ridiculously incredible.
2. I'm working again. Don't lie to yourselves, cashiering is the job of champions.
3. I saw the Denver Poetry Slam Team, who won the national poetry slam in Austin, perform. They are basically awesome.
The end.)


At 8:23 AM, Blogger Breanna said...

1. I went to the Homecoming football game. We somehow won. I don't think our team won a game last year. Go figure. I wore school colors. Pictures will probably grace facebook soon.
2. And I went to the dance. Kind of a disappointment, as usual--mediocre music, lots of underclassmen, half-hearted decorations. I left early out of sheer boredom. Before was nice. I went with a group of people to various houses for snacks, dinner, and pie, respectively. Delicious.

:snaps: for this idea, Ryan.

At 8:25 AM, Blogger Hyp. lecteur said...

Alas, Alison's week has been relatively uneventful in comparison. She has been learning about Jews in the Ottoman Empire (and thinking about the babushka) and trying to finish her British applications. She also gave the little quizbowlers a tryout test on Wednesday, which she peppered with references to Harry Potter, Nelson Mandela, and the Black Panthers. (The TEL references go without saying.)

At 5:25 PM, Blogger Breanna said...

In response to Alison's comment, yay for Harry Potter.


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