Friday, September 15, 2006

Procrastinators unite!...tomorrow.

I have to make sure that I keep posting these things. I can't even remember the last time I posted something. What's more, this is my third post since TASP. I know, pathetic and inexcusable. I haven't/will not participate in any wild and random drunken parties, sorry to disappoint some of you. Instead, I've been diligently working on absolutely nothing important for quite a while now. Gone are the days when I felt rushed and I simply feel blase all the time. I hate the word I'm about to use, (makes me cringe) senioritis. I swear senioritis is on the same level as moist. I DON'T have that disease, but I do have a problem with my work ethic. I need some motivation!...or something, anything. I miss being a good seed. Cormac McCarthy is killing me, I have to write a paper on his work, The Crossing.

Are we receiving seperate packets from the Professors? I noticed that Dr. Brown did not write on any of my papers. That might be a blessing.

Today, on my way home, I saw a member of the order Testudines syn. Chelonia trying to get to the other side of the highway. It was amazing to watch this fearless creature. I speed all the time; therefore, I wasn't able to make out what type of turtle/tortoise it was, but I do know that it was a baby turtle/tortoise. Luckily, my speeding didn't interfere with this reptile's continued existence on earth, but I kept thinking about the turtle's safety. I wanted to turn around and get that tortoise to the other side. I hope the anonymous reptile made it safely to its destination. I couldn't imagine how awful I would feel today if I had made it the latest roadkill on Rattlesnake Hammock Rd.

I wish I had some engaging classes to take this year. I'm taking eleven, but all of the courses except AP Lit and Chem are jokes. Case in point, in my government class we spent a whole week on Marxist-Leninist theory and I still have no idea what these theories are and why we started talking about them in the first place. MAX, I wish I had your brain sometimes. I have nothing against coaches on the field. But, they need to know where they shine. My government teacher is Mr. Steven Pricer. Mr. Pricer would more likely refer to himself as Varsity Wrestling and Football Coach at Lely High. Coach Pricer has taught (if you can actually call it that in all 50 states) at my high school for thirty-one years. But, as much as I despise my AP Government class (or as I warmly call it...the disorganized dungeon of death, destruction, and deception) and want Mr. Coach Pricer to teach, I must blame the state of Virginia. Yes, VA!!! You see, Coach Pricer grew up in Viriginia, went to college in his home state--UVA for grad school---then decided he needed to spread the cancer of idiocy to an already moronic people inhabitating "the great state of Florida." Besides the lack of teaching, which I could circumvent with imagination and protracted daydreaming. Coach Pricer constantly swears, he uses that n---- word I don't particularly care for and that b---- word as well. My point is, AP US Gov't is a FAR, far, far (I'm talking galaxy travel now) departure from TASP seminar.

Cormac McCarthy---wherever you are---I really don't care about the wolf, you make me think too much!


At 9:18 PM, Blogger Ryan said...

how are you taking ELEVEN classes??? are there really enough hours in the day? you TASP kids are too smart. puts me to shame, man.

At 9:17 AM, Blogger Breanna said...

haha I'm taking five this semester

At 9:21 AM, Blogger Tracy said...

hahaha! leonel, i loved that entry.

grr, all turtle in the road comments will forever remind me of that one 4-page chapter in the grapes of wrath that we spent TWO HOURS covering in english class. i'm glad you didn't hit it the poor thing, though.

At 7:07 PM, Blogger Breanna said...

tracy. I can relate. grapes of wrath SYMBOLISM turtle SYMBOLISM like whoa. intense.

At 8:36 PM, Blogger Leo said...

I don't even know how I'm taking eleven classes. Ryan, your comment made me think about the bios that still haunt me/put me to shame.

At 5:55 AM, Blogger Hyp. lecteur said...

Leonel, tu me manques...
Superman would have been proud of your instinct to help the poor turtle.


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