Sunday, October 01, 2006

37 Reasons Why My Blogs are < Ryan's Blogs

1. Hello this post is dedicated to Ryan (and Bre, but mostly Ryan)
2. I’m currently reading Great Expectations
3. Volleyball is going good, very time consuming though
4. I was recruited to dance team, and thus I am now on dance team
5. Fall Festival was on Friday (pretty much a rip-off-state fair held annually at my school)
6. NO, I don't know where I'm applying to college
7. Yesterday I bought new perfume (dumb I know, but I think I collect each his own right?)
8. Ethics is my favorite class right now
9. Wait I mean Government
10. No Ethics definitely ethics
11. Maybe...okay I'll stop
12.Homecoming for us isn't until the 21st, I wasn't going to go, but now that I have a date I suppose I might show up...He's doesn't go to my school though which means that this year I'll have the pleasure of enduring TWO homecomings.
13. Aren't I Lucky?
14. You will all be happy to know, I am nominated for Most Contagious Laugh (senior superlatives)
15. For anyone looking to expand their musical horizons, Lupe Fiasco's new cd is "mad tight"
16. Filling out college applications/writing essays is the new gouging my eyes out…?
17. Tess D’Urbervilles is my new favorite book
18. Maybe
19. Yesterday I went to my friend's birthday party, it was pretty fun, and I am not extremely tired
20. I have a test in AP psychology tomorrow
21. This is starting to sound like mindless babble
22. Actually, this whole thing has been mindless babble
23. Quoting from another mediocre post of mine "I am not good at the whole blogging thing"
24. Reiterating for emphasis "I am not good at the whole blogging thing"
25. Congrats to all the TASPers who got interviews, you all deserved it
26. Did anyone actually read all these?
27. Does anyone read the blog?
28. I really like Christmastime
29. I can't vote in the Virginia senate race (missed it by 18 days)
30. Which makes me very angry, especially given the recent allegations against George Allen?
31. Has anyone been following the Virginia senate race?
32. It's pretty interesting.
33. Okay so this post is sufficiently lengthy, random, and pointless...
34. And Thus I Conclude With a Hearty Good Bye Good Riddance and Good Luck
35. Which probably does not make much sense?
36. But my grandmother always ends everything with that...
37. TTFN!

Love Kathryn


At 9:45 PM, Blogger Ryan said...

This post was awesome. you are a more skilled blogger than you let on, my friend.

Also, your senate race is RIDICULOUS. okay, i know i overuse that word to a point of insanity, but seriously, here it fits. George Allen just keeps doing all this stuff that screams, hey, i'm a racist/bigot/all around loser, and the state of virginia is like, true, nice point, but WE'RE STILL VOTING FOR YOU. whhhaaat? i mean, not that jim webb is a stellar example of humanity himself, but i still reiterate my earlier theme- whhaaat?

At 8:55 PM, Blogger kathryn said...

I agree! It's like let's see how far George Allen can go...

A Noose in the law office, oh no that's okay he didn't realize the connections people might draw

A collection of Confederate flags also proudly displayed in the law office...means nothing just Southern pride of course

Macca? Nope didn't know what it meant, purely coincidental OF course

Allegations of n-word usage? Stuffying a slain deer head in the mail box of a black family ( supposedly)

HECK YEAH! He's our man...If he wins OMG...And I can't vote which once again makes me very angry

I think if he keeps at this rate though , Webb might have a shot..

keep your fingers crossed!


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